A man who has committed a mistake and doesn't correct it is committing another mistake.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Reflections- Earthquake in Sichuan

Dear pupils in 4E,

Those pupils who did not go for the Bicep Camp, i had talked to you about the situation in Sichuan. Those pupils who went for the Bicep Camp, I'm sure you would either hear about it from your parents and friends or read about it in the newspaper.

I had shared with the pupils in class about my feelings. I am still grief when I read that so many lives were lost and touched by the stories of great mothers who sacrificed their lives for their children as well as the selfless rescuers who persevere to save as many lives as they can.

I would like you to share your thoughts and feelings in this post too.


Anonymous said...

I feel very sad for the people who have lost their lives in this terrible earthquake and for the brave teachers who sacrificed their lives to save the students. I hope that every one of us will realise how lucky we are to live in singapore where it is disaster-free and has no lack of food.

Anonymous said...

yeah,I read all about it.Its a sad story.We are very lucky that Singapore has no natural disasters.I hope everyone would have a heart to help those people.

Anonymous said...

I feel sad for the victims who lost their families and homes. We should treasure what we have now and we should help the victims by donating money to them. I hope everyone will help those people...

Sim Jia Yi said...

I felt very sad that many people lost their lives in the earthquake.
There was one story of a man which made almost all my family members cry!

Anonymous said...

Sim Jia Yi, would you like to tell us the story?

Anonymous said...

I feel very sad for those who lost their lives in this earthquake. We are very lucky that Singapore has no natural disasters. I wil donate some money to the charity. I hope all these money can help them.

Agalia said...

I feel very sad for the people who had lost their innocent lives just because of a disaster.I have earnt from this disaster that we are lucky enough to stay alive without any disasters in singapore,so we should treasure our lives!

Anonymous said...

I feel very sad for the people who have lost their lives(and their kin) in the earthquake too. We should try our best to help them. My family already donated alot of money during the charity show.

happiness1928 said...

I feel very sad for those children who lost their family during the earthquake.I watched the sichuan charity show and cried.It was so pitiful looking at all the sichuan people crying,but happy when the children were saved.I hope that all of us can do our part and help them.

Anthony said...

I feel sorry for the people who perished in the disater.But there are still touching stories of mothers giving up their lives for their chirldren.

Anonymous said...

I felt very so sorry for these people.We,as the Singapore,are very lucky that we don't have any disater and the lack of food.I hope everyone will donate a sum of money for the unfortunate people.It is very sad for some to lose one of their family members,especially the child

Anonymous said...

I feel very sad for all the people who lost their lives during the earthquake. My family cried sometimes while watching the news. Many children became orphans and many parents lost their children. It is also very sad that many children lost their hands and could not write. Some lost their legs too. We are all very lucky to be in Singapore so we must treasure our lives.

Anonymous said...

I pity the people who died in the earthquake and think those who have survived are very brave.I think that we should not take a safe, clean and gree for an island like Singapore for granted.

Anonymous said...

Everybody pities the victims of the earthquakes, and we are really lucky to have no natural disasters whatsoever. I remember seeing a scene where when all the piles and piles of bricks were removed from a school building that had been destroyed, a row of students, practially all dead were lying there, along with their schoolbooks. One of them was still holding his/her pen. When I watch the charity shows held for the victims, I cry. The tears just start coming and I can't stop. Escpcially, as Jolyn had mentioned, when I watch the SiChuan charity show, when the two celebrities will say a story to each other. They tell each other how much they will love each other when one of them is in heaven, and the child will tell her mother the marks of her results if there is school in heaven. I cried the most that part...

But we should also look on the bright side of things, at least this unfortunate disaster will teach us to be content with what we have, and to treasure all the people who care and love us.

Sim Jia Yi said...

The story~

100+ hours after the earthquake, a man survive under a pile of heavy rocks. This was squashed half of his body.
When the rescue team found him, he still had some energy to talk. So he said to the rescue team,"May I talk to my parents, wife and children?" One of the rescuers took out his handphone and dialed the number the man said. The man told his family how to survive without him because he knew he could not make it already. The rescue team took 5 hours to rescue that man!
After 5 hours, the man said to the rescue team, "Thank you for saving me... But i cannot make it already... I'm..s..so..so..sor..ry." And he died......

Anonymous said...

We are very lucky and fortunate because Singapore is a safe place where there are no natural disasters. I feel sad for the children who have lost their parents and are now orphans. We should donate money to help them, every single cent counts.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for the people who lost their lives in this disater.
We should really treasure what we have now or it may be too late.Hope everyone will help in some way...

Anonymous said...

I feel very sad that a lot of people have died in the earthquake and even though some have lived but they have not enough food to eat. We should not waste food when we think of the victims of the earthquake who have no food to eat.

Anonymous said...

I feel terrible sad for all those who lost their precious life.We are very lucky that there are no natural disasters in Singapore I had read about a selfish teacher who ran away without saving the students,while others teachers sacrified their life in saving the students.

Anonymous said...

i feel sad for the children and parents who either lost their children or parents as the china people only can have one child.i pity them.i think that we are very lucky that we don't have any natural disasters in singapore and have enough water and food supply.

Anonymous said...

I felt downcast for those people who died in the earthquake and like what a lot of students in our class had said that we are very lucky to stay in Singapore that has no natural disasters.

Anonymous said...

people in China must feel terrible.My mom cried when she read the story about the woman who saved her baby but she died and they found a handphone showing a message.

Anonymous said...

I feel very sorry for those people who died and for those who sacrificed their children's lives and their lives in this earthquake. I feel very lucky as Singapore has no natural disasters and is so safe.

Anonymous said...

We are very fortunate that Singapore has no natural disasters. I feel sad to think of the innocent lives lost. I read all about it. Can't say more or I'll cry inside again.